Monday, July 31, 2006

Material Not On the Web

richard bausch's "fireman's wife"
alice munro's "beggar maid"
barthelme's "visions of my father weeping"
keillor "don the true story of a young person"
rosenbaum "long island babylon"
dfw "supposedly fun thing will never do again"
david sedaris "giant dreams midget abilities"
Stephen Strager "Click: A Peek into the Life of the Enigmatic R. Satz" (florida review 04)
Angie McCullagh "How a Girl Grows" (fl rev 04)
jg ballard "drowned giant"
banana yoshimoto off lizard
story about obssessive collecting in 3penny
something by malcolm gladwell

Sunday, January 09, 2005

on usage & on "standard"/written english

You talkin to me?
Our language should be a playground; instead we make it into a minefield. People who speak English perfectly well start treating it like a foreign language the moment they get within sight of a pen...

"Tense Present," David Foster Wallace

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Mississippi Review September 1997 why i have to marry the pool guy

2004 Ray Bradbury stories (2nd copy of all summer in a day)

all summer in a day

ray bradbury

The Morning News - Natural Selection

The Morning News - Natural Selection

After making careful alterations to the “LOST DUCK” sign that brought us together, I surprise Char one night with a memento of our love. The caption now reads, “If this is your duck…then I’m in love.”

Saturday, July 31, 2004

A Pat Rushin Short Story

Russ Kesler: "From a Fifties Childhood"

Bold Type: O. Henry Awards 2002: Kevin Brockmeier Award-winning Story

Laws Concerning Food and Drink - 97.02

An Interview with Jane Hirshfield

An Interview with Jane Hirshfield

poems info on hirsh

Melville, Herman. 1853. Bartleby, the Scrivener

The Swimmer by John Cheever

Vladimir Nabokov. Wingstroke

Bold Type: Excerpt by Aimee Bender barthelme : the first thing the baby did wrong...

Chekhov, Anton P.: The Lady with the Dog

George Saunders: Sea Oak. Short Story

Chekhov, Anton P.: The Lady with the Dog

A.M. Homes: A Real Doll

The Lady With The Dog

THE NOSE by Gogol

Reason: Crossballs Puzzle: Why don't the guests on Comedy Central's fake debate show get the joke?